The patient was thought to have a transcortical motor aphasia with a right central seventh nerve palsy 考虑患者是皮质联接障碍型失语并伴有右侧中枢性面神经瘫痪。
Purpose : here we examine a case of sphenoid sinus mucocele presenting with left abducens nerve palsy and subsequent loss of left eye vision 摘要目的:报告一例因罹患蝶窦黏液囊肿而导致单侧外展神经麻痹及视力丧失的病例。
Primary localized amyloidosis of orbit is rare , especially when it is confined to the extraocular muscle and combined with third nerve palsy 摘要原发性局部眼类淀粉沉积症很少见,尤其当病灶只发生于眼外肌并且合并第三对脑神经麻痹之症状。